Ærø is perfect for bike riding! On Wednesday June 27, 2018 we did our best to follow Rick Steves’ guided ride and biked for about 4 hours. We loved it so much that we rented bikes again on Thursday, and used them for 7 hours! Bike rentals are about $10 each for the whole day.

One of our favorite parts of our Thursday ride was finding a bench under a cherry tree for our picnic, and helping ourselves to the small, delicious cherries for dessert.

Fun little things to buy

If you bike Ærø, bring plenty of coins. There are small farm stands along the road selling cherries, honey, salt, sodas, firewood, flower seeds, potatoes, onions and so much more, on the honor system. (Jeff bought some hollyhock seeds and is sprouting them in our new home – so far two have sprouted!) Toward the west end of the island there are even some garages tidily filled with garage sale items – also on the honor system!

Thatched Roofs and an Ancient Church

As we rolled along, we passed dozens and dozens of thatched roof houses. The one in the photo is actually a greenhouse. The church in the photo is from the 12th century, and its wood-carved altarpiece is from 1528, six years before Denmark’s Reformation. It’s amazing that the altarpiece wasn’t destroyed after the country changed from Catholicism to Protestantism.

Bike Rentals

One bike rental option is Pilebækkens Cykler, at the gas station that’s a block off the main square. At the Søndergade end of the square, go through the light green door, through the little park, to Pilebækkens street and take a left. The manager Janne helped Rick Steves create his cycle route, because she passionately wants people to find and go into the church in the photo.

Bike Rental Hours:

  • Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 16:30
  • Sat: 9:00 – 12:00
  • Closed Sunday except July and August: 9:00 – 12:30.
  • No need to return your bike before closing – just bring it back when you’re done, lock it, and put the key in the mail box.
